
Vascular surgery deals with the various diseases of the blood vessels and lymph vessels of the body.

Vascular surgeon Tzioios A. Constantine with his excellent medical course, welcomes you to his practice and offers you his specialized services. The surgical method for treating vascular problems is one of the doctor's specialties.

Early diagnosis and treatment suggested by your vascular surgeon can remove a large number of complications and give you the desired quality of life and health.

Treatment and rehabilitation are provided with the most modern methods available in advanced medicine, such as the innovative laser laser treatment method in which the vascular surgeon effectively treats the existence of very small vessels that can become dangerous.

The most common condition that occurs up to 30% in adults, and especially in women, is vein. The appearance of veins beneath the skin with intense blue and red branches, which are normally not visible, is due to the appearance of a vascular problem of the vein and most often causes pain and burning.

Your doctor will recommend the safest treatment and method for you and will give you all the necessary information about the issues they are dealing with. Prevention and information is the beginning of a successful organization.